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Hi, I am Kavan Fitzpatrick

I’m a trainer in London. I work with an extremely wide range of clients; from professional athletes, to musicians, to actors, to models, to my mum.

My ideal client is anyone with a goal, a positive attitude, and a willingness to work hard. That’s it really!

Everybody is an individual and has their own needs, therefore, my training programs are bespoke. My principles are tested and proven so no matter who you are, or what you do, I can help you.

Here are a few things that I believe should be part of your individual program

Plan of Action – I will create a structured and progressive individual plan based on your ultimate goal. I’m not going to give you a billion burpees and make you run till you can’t get up the stairs. That is nuts and unproductive.

Training should be Safe – If it’s not safe, we ain’t doing it! Why would we put you at a risk to get injured and put you further away from your goal. I will be constantly monitoring how you are doing and making changes when needed.

Training should be fun – I want you to look forward to every session, work hard and get results. There’s many roads that lead to Rome.

The Program works if you do! – I can’t eat and train for you, that’s on you. If you follow the program you will get results!